The Choral Scholar & American Choral Review
Volume 5, Number 2 - Spring 2016

From the Editor: Working Forward
by Sean Burton
Reviving Josef Rheinberger’s Op. 64 Maitag: Ein lyrisches Intermezzo No. 1, Früh Morgens
by Matthew Bumbach
Pierre de la Rue’s Missa Pourquoy non: A Case for Re-Evaluation
by William Kempster
Portrayal of Life and Death: An Analytical Study of Tarik O’Regan’s Triptych
by James E. Brown
An Interview with Craig Hella Johnson
by Jos Milton
Book Reviews
by Andrew Crow, editor; Andrew Minear, Kyle Nielsen, and Sara Terrell, contributors
Recording Reviews
by Peter J. Durow, editor; Michael Porter, contributor
Choral Reviews
by John C. Hughes, editor; John C. Hughes, contributor